16 août 2014

Le grand Rutger Hauer remet le Prix 2014

Très décontracté, Rutger a remis le Prix Action Light à une Rhona Mühlebach pas impressionnée pour autant.
L'acteur, qui compte près de 150 longs-métrages à son actif dont "Blade Runner", "The Hitcher" ou "La leggenda del santo bevitore" d'Ermanno Olmi, a lui aussi réalisé des courts-métrages et s'est montré très enthousiaste avec les lauréats de son Jury officiel.

Ci-dessous, 5 questions à Rutger tirées d'une des pages du Pardo Live consacrées à ce franc-tireur néerlandais.

Five questions to

Rutger Hauer (Blade Runner)

Actor, Netherlands
Actor, Netherlands
Q. Rutger Hauer, you are at the Festival as the president of Jury for the Pardi di domani section, where you will judge on short films from new filmmakers. You also organized a festival in the past dealing only with the short form. What attracts you to them?
I think short films are a very accessible media. They were never considered important enough. First of all because you can tell a lot from the first steps of a filmmaker. They are very difficult to make, it's like building a very tiny house – it's a great exercise. And then, honestly, a lot of feature length films should have been shorts, because they take forever telling a thin story and they make me fall asleep.
Q. What do you wish to the filmmakers of the future?
Basically, I hope they get so lucky that they find out what they are asking for. Most of the time, they are asking for a miracle, but at the same time there are always miracles happening. And while you find yourself, keep the faith.
Q. In Locarno, we will see again one of your most beloved films, La leggenda del santo bevitore by Ermanno Olmi.
It's an important film for me, one of the first films I made in English for the World market, even if it didn't travel much at the time. Now of course, you can find it on Youtube.
We have seen you riding around on your black motorcycle – very impressive. Did you come down from your native Frisland with it? 
No, I came from Prague, but the bike is actually rented from Harvey Davidson in Lugano – they have been very nice to me. I haven't found a chance yet to go around the lake, but I look forward to riding around during jury breaks. But I am organizing myself to be very serious. I go to bed early. Once people get rolling, I say good night.
If you could talk to your younger self, what would you tell the young Rutger Hauer?
Don't do to many interviews, because you talk shit.
Film festivals like Locarno are really important, because you honor the people that inspire you, and honor the people that have been inspired by you. And you shake hands with each other, it's an almost physical pleasure.

Clôture du festival: article du Pardo Live sur le Prix

Okay, fine, the 67° Festival del film Locarno is about to finish, but for many filmmakers it can already represent a bright future. To help a young talent to face new adventures into the world of cinema, the Prix Action Light grants this year an award of 44,000 CHF to one of the ten directors involved in the Pardi di domani section, Concorso nazionale: Rhona Mühlebach, the 24-years-old director of the short movie “Abseits der Autobahn” (Off the Highway). The perfect way to celebrate the 20th birthday of a prize – sponsored by Avant-Première, Cinegrell, Film Demnächst, Freestudios, Taurus Studio, Visuals (Switzerland) SA – which can really be a turning point in the life of future movie professionals.

Rhona Mühlebach remporte le Prix 2014

Abseits der Autobahn
(Off the Highway)
DCP · 22'

Roman et Linda sont un couple qui n’a depuis bien longtemps plus rien en commun, exception faite des Bloody Mary qu’ils partagent. Un jour, ils partent pour une randonnée en vélo dans les montagnes suisses, Roman, pourtant pas en grande forme, sur un vélo traditionnel alors que Linda, elle, utilise une bicyclette électrique. Leur virée s’avère rapidement plus compliquée que prévu et ce couple en pleine stagnation se retrouve dans l’obligation de bouger et d’agir.


Née en 1990 en Suisse alémanique, Rhona Mühlebach intègre le département cinema de l’École cantonale d’art de Lausanne (ECAL) en 2011. 
Elle y réalise deux courts métrages Ferien (2013) et Schwesterherz (2013) et obtient son diplôme avec Abseits der Autobahn.


Benjamin Dobo

Josephine Maillefer

Rhona Mühlebach

David Puntener

Baptiste Ribrault

ECAL École Cantonale d'Art de Lausanne

15 août 2014

Les films en compétition

Totems, by Sarah Arnold, 29', Utopie films (France), Swiss director

Peau, by Marine Koenig, INSAS (Belgique), Swiss director

Abseits der Autobahn, by Rhona Mühlebach, 22', ÉCAL

Le Mal du Citron, by Kaspar Schiltknecht et Jeremy Rosenstein, 24', self-produced

Prose du transsibérien, by David Epiney, 11', Bordu films

Le miel est plus doux que le sang, by Colia Vranici, 24', ÉCAL

Die Hälfte der Welt, by Jérôme Furrer, 18', ZHdK

Orages d'été, by Nadège De Benoit Luthy, 22', Octuor film production

Petit Homme, by Jean-Guillaume Sonnier, 29', Casa Azul Films

Aubade, by Mauro Carraro, 6', Nadasdy film